Episode 176 — CODEX SILENDA
On this episode of the Successfully Funded Podcast, we talk to Brady Whitney, Inventor, Designer, and Writer of CODEX SILENDA. Codex Silenda is a five-page book that features five intricate puzzles. Each page features a unique puzzle that requires the user/reader to unlock the corresponding bolts in order to progress to the next page. As you progress through the book, a story engraved on to the back of each page begins to develop. The story follows the adventure of an apprentice of Leonardo Da Vinci as the student stumbles onto Vinci’s latest invention, the Codex. Unfortunately, the wooden book is an enchanted trap that captures any thieves or snoopy apprentices, forcing them to have to solve it’s 5 mysterious puzzles in order to escape. You, the puzzler must now help the Apprentice solve the puzzles before the Master can return to the shop and fire the Apprentice for his trespass. Check out the Kickstarter to get yourself a Codex!
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