Setting Stretch Goals for Your Kickstarter Campaign.
Starting a Kickstarter campaign can be an exciting experience, but it requires careful planning and strategy. One of the most important parts of your Kickstarter campaign is setting stretch goals. Stretch goals are ambitious targets that you set beyond your initial goal. Reaching these stretch goals can be a great way to increase engagement and excitement among potential backers. Here’s how to create effective stretch goals for your campaign.
Define Your Goals.
Before you can create stretch goals, you need to determine what your main goal is for your campaign. This should be realistic and achievable; if you set your goal too high, you may not get enough financial support from backers. That said, it’s also important to make sure that this goal is challenging enough that reaching it will require some effort from both yourself and your backers. Once you’ve determined this main goal, you can begin creating stretch goals for when it has been reached or exceeded.
Set Strategic Stretch Goals.
Your stretch goals should provide incentives for people to continue supporting your project even after they have already donated the amount required by the main goal. Some ideas include offering extra rewards (such as free merchandise) if certain milestones are reached or adding a new feature or product enhancement once a certain level of funding is achieved. Make sure that these incentives are realistic based on the amount of time and resources that are available to you — setting overly ambitious goals will only create disappointment in both yourself and potential backers.
Be Transparent About Your Stretch Goals.
Once you’ve decided on what stretch goals you want to set, make sure that these objectives are clearly communicated with potential backers before they decide whether or not to contribute money towards your project. Transparency about what the funds will be used for and how much is needed in order to reach each milestone will help boost confidence in both yourself and those who choose to back your project. You could also consider holding regular updates — whether via email newsletters or social media posts — to keep potential backers informed about the progress being made towards each milestone so they know their money is going towards something worthwhile!
Creating effective stretch goals for a Kickstarter campaign takes careful planning and strategy, but it can pay off in the long run by increasing engagement from potential supporters who want to see their contributions go further than just one successful project launch. With clear objectives in place, transparency with potential donors, and strategic incentives offered at each stage of success, creating powerful stretch goals can help ensure that every dollar donated goes towards achieving something truly remarkable!
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